Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gonna walk this road...

I can't tell you how many posts I've deleted in my drafts folder.  Everyday I create and conjure up my post in my head and they just die right there in my drafts folder.  I have an issue.  I'm scared.  That's my issue.  I'm scared no one will read my posts.  I'm scared everyone will read my post.  I can't make myself happy here (imagine how my husband feels).  I have been working on a dream of mine for some time now and....well....I'm scared to put it out there.  BUT...I came across this -

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
 didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines, 
sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds
 in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." 
~Mark Twain

I'm at a point in life where I CAN look back and see disappointment and it doesn't feel good. So, as I climb to the top of this roller coaster (which I don't ride - go figure, right?), I'm just going to tightly close my eyes, panic a little (a lot) and let go.

Here it is.....

I have a deep passion for the sea and sand.  Nothing heals my soul the way it can.  I'm one with nature there and my best time spent with God is there.  I love photographing these moments in time.  

There are a couple of people who have given me faith to get  this started.
One is a dear friend who I became close with about a year ago in bible study (there's just something about a bible study) and half way through she and her family moved south to start another chapter in their story. Please visit her Etsy shop.

The other has no clue that she's even helped me. She is a childhood friend who I reconnected with online. She is an artist and found her calling later in life. She has a message in her blog that I often feel is meant for me.  Please visit her Blog.  I love these girls for what they've done and I hope they know their awesomeness!

"Gonna walk this road, see where it leads,
gonna bless the flowers, gonna bless the weeds"
- Eric Bibb

Please join me on Facebook and Etsy!

I hope you'll join me on this journey....The past year has been filled with healing - of many sorts. And I look forward to this chapter!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Hiatus is over

It's been quite some time since I've last posted so I'm making a new goal to be a better blogger.  We've had many changes take place in our lives, which makes me unsure of which direction to take this! As much as diabetes is part of our daily lives, so is homeschool now!  

Um, uh, I'm choking here....on my words! I was that mom that said "You'll never see me doing THAT!" And now I'm eating crow! And frankly, it tastes good.  My regret here? Not doing it sooner.  My son asked me last summer to do it and I quickly answered no.  Although diabetes was a factor in our decision, it was not the determining factor.  We prayed very hard about this and God made it very clear.  I've never been more sure about a prayer being answered nor more scared!  

I don't mind change, it just takes me a very long to get there.  I have to research, analyze, experiment, inquire and then research some more.  Just like our move....I waited and waited till the last minute and our regret? Why did we wait so long?  All have turned out to be good decisions.  In our move, I purged till I didn't think I could purge anymore.  So in turn, I have become very organized.  I stay on top of laundry - the hamper is rarely full of dirty clothes. I vacuum more frequently, dishes stay washed, etc.....and I am very happy (now, if I can get the XYs in this abode to comply, I'll be even happier.)

I think I may just change my blog title.  I'm definitely not experienced in the homeschool arena but what I'm learning is very cool, some is disheartening (on a personal level) but for the most part, it's fun.  I will say, though, it has done wonders for his numbers - looking forward to the next A1C check come next month - I don't think I even mentioned that in 90 days his A1C went from 8.0 to 9.0,   The change in numbers was evident.  Steady 400s in school, accompanied by constant headaches and stomachaches.  The first week he was home....steady 100s! The hardest part....our three year old!  Suggestions welcomed!

My random thought....I'm not happy about Facebook's purchase of Instagram.  Not.  One.  Bit.